nagios/icinga monitoring
nsca and bash
this script provides wrapper functions to use with nsca.
Here's an example of how to use it:
# load wrapper functions
. /path/to/nsca.functions
# send "I am alive"
host_alive $(hostname -f)
# check reachability of $1
check_ping $1
[ $? -lt 2 ] || exit 255
# $1 is reachable -> run tests
check check_ntp_time $1 -w 0.5 -c 2.0
check_nrpe check_load $1
nagios/icinga checks
a simple raid checker for Nagios/Icinga/.. -- Works with Adaptec, 3ware, lsi, zfs and md
check script for cpu usage and i/o wait rate
check script for memory and swap usage
check script for available entropy
check script for semaphores
check script for open ip file descriptors
check script for ipvs load and status
check script for glusterfs volumes/bricks
check script for qualys ssl labs sslscan
check swap and paging activity
check script with perfdata for technicolor tc4400 cable modems
check network performance using iperf3
a (passive) nagios checker that submits its results using send_nsca